Friday, October 14, 2016

Going, Going, Gun

Going, Going, Gun
Oct. 13, 2016
By: Dana Rosenquist
Student Reporter
Texas State University students and faculty fear the possible repercussions of guns in the classroom after concealed campus laws were put into effect August 1st.
Campus carry laws went into effect on Texas State’s campus August 1st and students and faculty are not quiet about their opinions on the issue. Many believe that these laws are unnecessary and could negatively impact a learning environment.
Texas State senior, Steven Spencer, fears that guns are not cohesive to classroom learning and could take away from a student’s ability to focus. Spencer worries what the students will be thinking about, rather than focusing on the point of being in college in the first place—to learn.
“I am concerned that this will put stress on students,” Spencer said. “They will be more concerned with the student next to them, rather than what the teacher is saying.”
Students on campus also expressed uneasiness with gun control because the college environment is already an establishment that elevates stress levels. These elevated stress levels could allow students with guns to act rashly.
As a newer student at Texas State, 18-year-old freshman, Paula Krystal Monzon, has many concerns about the new law. Monzon recognizes the ability for minor situations to escalate when firearms are involved.
Texas State student,
Mason Gann
“It’s crazy to think that there are people walking around with them (guns) and they are able to use them if need be,” Monzon said. “Anything minor such as controversy in the quad can escalate quickly.”
Twenty-four-year-old Texas State student, Mason Gann expressed concerns about how realistic the ability of those carrying guns is to insure security in a dangerous situation.
“They (Texas lawmakers) are saying, by giving you the ability to carry on campus, that if anything bad happens you have the ability to take care of it and it’s... giving you the permission to handle a gunman situation when you are not properly trained to,” Gann said. “Even if you have a handgun license and a carry license that doesn’t mean you are trained to handle a killer.”
Overall, a large majority of students, felt more fearful than secure towards the ability of people to handle guns through the campus carry laws. While students understood a possible desire of other students to carry a gun on campus, many thought extra training or further safety precautions needed to be put into place.
Texas State graduate student, TJ Young, believes guns to be only necessary in situations that would minimally happen in reality.
Texas State lecturer, Keri Fitzgerald
“I don’t feel like the infrastructure is there through the university to supplement the training needed to fit this specific environment,” Young said. “Kids having guns on campus is a very specific situation, and I feel the training around that needs to be tailored as such.”
Students are not the only ones who feel an elevated level of distress since the concealed campus carry laws have been mandated. Texas State faculty have concerns about effects of the new law as well. Texas State English senior lecturer, Keri Fitzgerald, worries about the effects guns on campus will have not only on students but also herself and academics.
Texas State student,
Natalia Glenn
“I’m really concerned about the potential it has to restrict academic freedom,” Fitzgerald said. “I have to grade people that have guns. I have to have class discussions with people who might fear that other people have guns. Academia is supposed to be a place of open-mindedness and I worry about the effect it could have on that.”
Students at Texas State generally oppose the new campus carry laws, in fear of the unknown. Texas State business economics major, Natalia Glenn, brings up alternative ideas to the concealed carry laws that seem so widely opposed.
“Our biggest tool is education,” Glenn said. “We should learn how violent our society already is. Also, we should learn ways to improve our mental health. These topics tend to get ignored. We don’t have to be so defensive especially if nothing is attacking us.”

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