Friday, October 14, 2016

Diverse Interview Story-Campus Carry

Campus carry raising concerns, mixed feelings.

By: Rene Barboza

Some students are uncomfortable with the new campus carry law.  For Texas State students, it is evident that people have mixed feelings about the new law.
The Texas Senate Bill 11 was passed by the Texas Legislature.

Texas State President issued a statement regarding Campus carry: “On August 1, 2016, Texas State University...its buildings subject to the restrictions imposed by statutes and by the President of the University as approved by its Board of Regents." 

According to the President’s rules, there are designated gun-free zones and the weapon must be concealed at all times.

Campus carry went into effect as of Fall 2016.  Although, there haven’t been any instances of gun violence on campus, some students are uncomfortable with the idea of guns being brought to campus.

Dylan Moore, Texas State University student
Dylan Moore, a computer science student, disagrees with the new law and expressed his concerns.  “I think it raises the chance of something bad happening because of the presence of guns.”
Some students are concerned about the new law.  Moore does not own a gun or gun permit, he says that it seems too easy for people to get them nowadays.   
Steven Spencer, a senior at Texas State, says “I personally believe that if you need protection on you at all times while on campus, the campus itself is not doing its job to keep us, the students safe.”
Other universities are also facing protests.  While there are also many supporters of campus carry, it is not just students being affected by this decision.
According to the Texas Tribune, Three UT- Austin professors have sued their university and the state, saying the policy imposes on their right to free speech.
Despite the many students who are against the new law, there are many who support concealed because of its potential to reduce on campus shootings. 
Diane Lemons, Texas State respiratory care student, says, “If a serious situation were to occur on campus, there would be someone able to defend themselves and others.”
Texas State University's top priority is safety and will continue to raise awareness throughout campus.  According to the Texas State University website, rules and regulations concerning campus carry are also stated.

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