Friday, October 7, 2016

Diverse Sources: Tre Simmons

Quotes collected by: Tre Simmons
Source: Lowell Bundick
Identifying information about source: Texas State Graduate, 24, Theatre Major

Question 1: What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
"I mean if they have a permit, then they obviously know how to handle it, right?"

Question 2: You would think, but do you feel comfortable with people having guns on campus?
"No...what if it just pops off? lieu of recent circumstances, say, if a clown tries to come up and pop you, you can pop the clown."

Question 3: So you feel it's only okay under certain circumstances?
"Yes? Honestly if I'm feeling attacked, I'd say it's okay, but you never know when you're gonna be attacked, so. I would say no, leave it at home. Find other stuff to use, like a bat."

Question 4: What if anything concerns you about the new law?
"I guess the freedom to have something so lethal, it's kind of scary. It feels unsafe."

Question 5: Do you own a gun or have a handgun carry permit?
"I do have a gun, I don't use it though. I only use it at the gun range."

Question 6: Because you're in opposition of campus carry, what advantages do you think it offers someone who is in favor of it? Or even for people who are against it?
"Say, if, there's a terrorist attack and someone starts shooting, if someone else does have their gun on them, it would be a little easier to eliminate the threat rather than waiting for police to come in and handle the situation when it may end more poorly and have a higher body count when we're waiting. Just think of all the other shootings that have happened, such as the Pulse shooting. All of those people, all 49 of them, they're just gone. They could have been able to eliminate the threat quicker."

Quotes collected by: Tre Simmons
Source: TJ Young
Identifying information about source: Texas State Graduate Student, 28, Theatre Major

Question 1: What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
"It becomes problematic when it's in the hands of young adults who might not be properly trained on situations to use a gun. I feel like with the huge onset of mental health issues on campus, having a weapon in the hands of those who might not know when they need to seek help, or find an outlet, having a weapon in their hands could be extremely dangerous. They might get all their frustrations and stress and depression out with that, as opposed to finding a healthier method to do so."

Question 2: Do you feel there are people equipped to carry a gun on campus and use it properly in any given situation?
"Yeah, I think there are individuals where a weapon does make sense for them to use, but I feel like there needs to be a substantial amount of training behind that. That way they understand not only how to use the weapon, but situational awareness and using the gun more as a threatening technique as opposed to firing the weapon. Firing the weapon needs to be the absolute last resort, and that needs to be ingrained in them before they're allowed to carry the weapon on campus."

Question 3: So it should be used more as a precautionary measure or a warning, rather than actually shooting someone?
"Exactly, and maybe this falls back on the school, if you're going to have a weapon on campus, this school needs to reinforce this additional training that might not be required to receive the concealed handgun."

Question 4: Do you own a gun or have a handgun carry permit?
"I do not. I've been considering it for the longest time, but [my] financial situation is keeping me from it. But that would be more for something I would keep at home rather than carrying it on campus."

Question 5: Do you feel you are more in favor or in opposition to campus carry?
"I feel like I'm in opposition currently because I don't feel like the infrastructure is there through the university to supplement the training needed to fit this specific environment. Kids having guns on campus is a very specific situation, and I feel the training around that needs to be tailored as such."

Question 6: With training implemented, what advantages do you think there would be for people who are on campus?
"A lot of people are away from home for the first time, and we all get those alerts about sexual assaults, muggings and stuff like that on campus. I do feel there are times when it could be helpful if you're in a dangerous situation. It makes sense for someone to have something to defend themselves if they know how to properly use it."

Quotes collected by: Tre Simmons
Source: Kenneth Holmes
Identifying information about source: Texas State Undergraduate Student, 19, Communication Studies Major

Question 1: What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a campus college by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
"I think there are good and bad things about it. In order to have a concealed handgun license, you have to be 21 or older, so that prevents people, for the most part, who live on campus from having concealed carry guns. However, some of my friends are RA's and they know people who have concealed carry weapons, and they keep them in the dorm, and as far as I'm aware, there's no actual way of keeping them safe. I don't know if there are gun safes or anything, so I don't know if it's inherently bad but I know that there's a lot of room for improvement.

Question 2: What if anything concerns you about the new law?
"For the students who do live on campus, I think it would be really important to have a set way to make sure they're keeping those weapons secure. From the studies I've read, there's been no recorded case of someone with a concealed carry to defend themselves or someone else in such a large class setting, so I don't think it's as likely, but I think it can be used for personal safety and can make you feel better when you have something to protect yourself with."

Question 3: Do you think that would be the biggest advantage for people who do want the law?
"Yeah, it's that they would feel safer, but it doesn't necessarily make everyone else feel safer."

Question 4: What do you feel they could implement so that carry campus could make everyone else feel safe?
"I think a huge thing would be reminding people that people who have concealed carry licenses have to go through training to get it. For the students who live on campus, which is a major concern, having gun safes in the rooms, or requiring students to keep a gun safe and making sure things are stored where they need to be...there's not really much else you can do."

Question 5: Do you own a gun or have a handgun carry permit?
"Neither, several of my family members do and one of my roommates does, but he doesn't keep the gun here, it is with his parents."

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