Friday, October 7, 2016

Diverse Sources: Bailey Green

Interview with Paula Krystal Monzon 
Quotes collected by: Bailey Green
Source: Paula Krystal Monzon 
Identifying information about source: Paula Krystal Monzon, 18, freshman, Texas State University student, nursing major, hispanic

Question 1:What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit? "I don't think it's right because anybody could get a license to carry, even a murderer they just have to know how to hide their evil habits." 

Question 2: How does it make you feel, in a classroom setting, that a licensed student may have a concealed weapon with them? "It makes me feel really uncomfortable. I feel like it makes school shootings more likely to happen."

Question 3: What if anything concerns you about the new law? "Just the fact that almost literally anyone[that has a license] can get one . It's crazy to think that there are people walking around with them and they are able to use them if need be. Anything minor such as controversy in the quad can escalate quickly. "

Question 4: Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses? "College is extremely stressful and I feel like it can push some people to the edge. When you mix guns into that scenario it could make things a lot worse. No, I do not think guns should be permitted on college campuses"

Question 5: Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit? "No I don't own a gun or have a license for one, but my dad does."

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