Friday, October 7, 2016

Diverse Source Interview: Dionna Womack

Photo provided by Alicia Dorado
Quotes collected by: Dionna Womack
Source: Alicia Dorado
Identifying information about source:
Alicia Dorado, Senior, age 21, from California, Student, public administration major. Works part-time at Timberland; also a resident assistant at Texas State University.
Question 1: What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
“After close evaluation of the 2nd Amendment and further observation of historical infringement of those constitutional rights on university campuses nationwide, I support the Texas law that now allows campus carry for those who lawfully obtain a concealed handgun permit.” 
Question 2: What if anything concerns you about the new law?
“While I do openly support campus carry for lawfully qualified citizens on campus, I have reservations about the fear that it may inflict upon students who do not feel safe learning in an environment where such things are permissible.  I believe that there is an inherent need for “safe zones,” particularly areas with higher frequencies of “at risk” students such as the Counseling center, Alkek Library or in residence halls.”
Question 3: Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?
“Guns should be permitted on campus because location should not infringe upon constitutional rights of citizens.  While it may seem that we are protecting more people by banning them, we are also encouraging further acceptance of censorship and infringement upon our constitutional rights in the future.  There are absolutely ways to balance safety and practice of these rights provided to us by our Constitution.”
Question 4: Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit?
“I don’t own a gun or have a permit.”
Question 5: Would you ever consider owning a gun?
“I don’t wish to own a gun personally. This doesn’t mean that I want to keep others from owning them.”

Photo provided by Kristen Flowers
Quotes collected by: Dionna Womack
Source: Kristen Flowers
Identifying information about source:
Kristen Flowers, Junior, Age 19 from Corpus Christi, Texas, Student, electronic media major. National Communications Coordinator for Resident Hall Association.
Question 1: What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
“I’m definitely concerned about it just because I personally don’t think they do an extensive background check. But not all people are mentally questionable so I guess in the end I’m neutral about it.”
Question 2: What if anything concerns you about the new law?
            “It’s being treated by the public as a way for everyone to get a gun. They’re treating it like you can go get one like a regular grocery. They’re making it seem very accessible.”
Question 3: Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?
“They should be allowed for self-defense however that is the only reason they should be allowed on campus due to the 2nd amendment in the constitution.”
Question 4: Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit?
“No, I’m not of age.”
Question 5: Would you ever consider owning a gun?
“No, just because I personally don’t think owning a gun is the answer to all of our problems.”

Photo provided by Darius Wiley Jr.
Quotes collected by: Dionna Womack
Source: Darius Wiley Jr.
Identifying information about source:
Darius Wiley Jr., Junior, Age 20 from Dallas, Texas, Student, political science major. Works part-time at Erbert & Gerbert’s.
Question 1: What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
“Personally’ I feel it heightens student’s fear. I don’t think it’s a good idea because sometimes fear and irrational are equal. Then we have students leaning to get concealed weapons to carry on campus. I think it’s a conservative Texan idea to push their views on people to slowly make change. The idea isn’t very good, more like dangerous.”
Question 2: What if anything concerns you about the new law?
“I’m just concerned about people who don’t understand these laws and what the permit versus what was already permitted.”
Question 3: Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?
“Guns shouldn’t be permitted because having a constant fear that someone has a gun isn’t beneficial for our educational environment.”
Question 4: Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit?
      “No I don’t have a gun or a license.”
Question 5: Would you ever consider owning a gun?
            “I will own a handgun in my home after I graduate and maybe put one  in my car.

Photo provided by Mario Flores 
Quotes collected by: Dionna Womack
Source: Mario Flores
Identifying information about source:
Mario Flores, Junior, Age 20, from Monterrey, Mexico, Accounting major. A resident assistant at Texas State University.
Question 1: What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
“It’s good in theory but not smart. Fact of the matter is most people in college are under a lot more stress than the average person.”
Question 2: What if anything concerns you about the new law?
            “What concerns me is high stress levels and guns don’t mix.”
Question 3: Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?
            “For Texas State if guns are allowed so should alcohol. Why? Because if they trust us to be responsible enough to carry guns then we should be responsible enough to drink too.”
Question 4: Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit?
      “No I don’t.”
Question 5: Would you ever consider owning a gun?

            “Yes, these clowns are clowning around too much!”

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