Friday, October 7, 2016

Diverse Sources: Tanner Murphy

Diverse sources - Topic: Campus Carry in Texas & at Texas State
Name: Leigh Anne Crowell

Race/ Ethnicity: Anglo
Gender: Female
Class: Low (below $25K)
Generation: 18-25
Geography: San Marcos, TX
Occupation: Student
1.     What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?

I honestly think it's a little terrifying how someone can just carry a weapon onto campus, especially since there have been 23 mass shooting incidents on college campuses alone this year. Along with the protest "cocks not glocks", it definitely feels messed up that someone can carry a lethal weapon around campus, and could potentially use it whenever they feel like it, and not be able to have a dildo. Doesn't make much sense.”

2.     What if anything concerns you about the new law?

“I basically said it before, but it's much easier for people to access weapons, and then be able to bring them onto a busy campus whenever. Anything could happen, and you have no way of stopping it in a timely, non-life-threatening amount of time.”

3.     Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?

“I feel like weapons with that much power should not be allowed anywhere. I saw someone at a movie theater with a gun once and it immediately made me uncomfortable, especially with incidents that have occurred in the past. I shouldn't have to worry about someone walking around with a gun at their side when I'm trying to get an education on a safe campus like this.

4.     Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit?

“No to both.”

5.     Are there any arguments you could make to the contrary of your stance?

“The only thing I can think of at the moment would be to protect us from this bizarre clown epidemic. But seeing as there aren’t typically a bunch of masked crazies on the loose I really don’t believe that this new policy is at all necessary.”

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