Tuesday, October 11, 2016

5 Things You Should Know About Texas State Campus Carry

University Star file photo

5 Things You Should Know About Texas State Campus Carry
By Bailey Green and Stacee Collins

1. A license holder must carry a concealed handgun "on or about the license holder's person," which means the weapon must not be visible. Openly and visibly carrying a weapon on campus is illegal.

2. President Denise Trauth can prohibit concealed carry of a handgun at temporary events involving safety considerations. 

3. Various locations on campus prohibit concealed carry. A list of designated gun-free zones can be found online

4. Training programs and voluntary education are available to all individuals. The University Police Department offers some of these sessions

5. Texas State has implemented various safety precautions in light of the campus carry law. Officials have increased security staff, updated classroom locking mechanisms, revised emergency standard response protocol and more. 

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