Friday, October 7, 2016

Diverse Interview by: Wensley Guthrie

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Diane Lemons, Age: 20
By: Wensley Guthrie

1.     What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?

“It scares me to think about all of the campus shootings but at the same time I support people being able to protect themselves”

2.     What if anything concerns you about the new law?

“That someone could have a gun on them and I would have no clue”

3.     Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?

“I think guns should be allowed to be carried by responsible people. That way if a serious situation were to occur on campus there would be someone able to defend themselves and others”

4.     Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit?

“No but my parents do. Neither of us have permits though.”

5.     Is there any part of you that wants to own a gun and have your permit?

Oh definitely, I wanted to over the summer I just didn’t get around to it.”

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