Friday, October 7, 2016

Diverse Source Interview: Laura Valencia

Quotes collected by: Laura Valencia
Source: Natalia Glenn
Identifying information about the source: Senior, 21, Business Economics major

1.     What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?

- I think that having a gun on campus doesn't exactly protect us. Are students who are carrying weapons properly trained? I'm not opposed to guns in general but I don't think it's the best idea for our campus to allow weapons. 

2.  What if anything concerns you about the new law?

- What concerns me is the well being for others. Sometimes I get weird vibes from people and the fact the they are allowed to carry a weapon with them scares me. I'm in the Business college and a lot of these students aren't very expressive. You never know what's going on in their mind. 

3. Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?

- I believe guns shouldn't be permitted on college campuses. Students go through a lot of stress. I can say this myself. We are all in debt, we all have deadlines and a lot of us go through anxiety attacks. When we aren't in the right state of mind, who knows what stupid impulse we might have. 

4. Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit?

- I myself do not own a gun. I do not own guns, I own instruments. I don't think I will ever get a handgun permit. I'd rather take a self defense course. 

5. Do you have any ideas on how Texas State can improve their campus safety?

- Our biggest tool is education. We should learn how violent our society already is. Also, we should learn ways to improve our mental health. These topics tend to get ignored. We don't always have to be so defensive especially if nothing is attacking us. 

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