Sunday, October 4, 2015

Diverse Sources Interview

By: Dan Patino
Source: Cesly Delacruz 
Junior at Texas State Majoring in business management. 

Question 1.         This is the 25-year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, how do you think Texas State has changed since the implementation of the act? (Or how do you think Texas State is different now than it might have been before the Act?)
                “I think it’s actually very difficult for Texas State, because the way Texas State is, to build all those ramps is difficult but I think they have managed it pretty well.” This quote was in reference to the geography of the university.

Question 2.         Do you ever use any of the physical accommodations required by the ADA, such as elevators, ramps or door openers? How does this affect your commute around campus?
                “I’m kind of lazy myself I usually take all those accessibility ramps, because I don’t want to go through the stairs. So I think they have done a really good job.”

Question 3.         What do you think this campus or this university would be like without the ADA?
“It wouldn’t be good at all because like I said it’s a big campus and you have to walk a lot upstairs, there is a lot of ups and downs and if we didn’t have any of those I would feel so bad.” “They would have to give them like 30 minutes to get across campus.”

Question 4.         Does the ADA affect you personally in any way?
“No Just the doors and stuff that I said, but not besides that” “There is always a choice to do it or not, it shouldn’t bother anyone that we have that”

Question 5.         How do you think the university does in complying with the ADA?
“ I think they are doing good, I think they have to update them, there was this one time where one guy I knonw from class last semester that said that the handicap button didn’t work and was just out there waiting someone to pass.”

Question 6.         Could you as a student get to one point to another easily if you handicapped or do you think the accommodations could be optimized?

                “It’s a big a campus and if you couldn’t see or had to go around ramps that zig zagged it would be hard.”

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