Sunday, October 4, 2015

Diverse Source Interview

Quotes collected by: Estela Perez
Source: Jose Tabullo
Identifying information about source: Age 20, from Austin, Texas, Works at James Avery.
Question 1: How do you think Texas State is different now than it might have been before the Act? “Probably added much more ramps, elevators and the door openers to every building and garage.”

Question 2: Do you ever use any of the physical accommodations required by the ADA, such as elevators, ramps or door openers? “Yeah it’s just easier to use them to get around the campus without tiring yourself out.”

Question 3: What do you think this university would be like without the ADA?
“There probably wouldn’t be many students that couldn’t take the stairs or were like limited physically to be attending at the university, since Texas State was built alongside a hill.”

Question 4: How do you think the university does in complying with the ADA?

“Pretty well. I see ramps and elevators and everything everywhere I go on campus.”

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