Sunday, October 4, 2015

Diverse Source Interview by William Thomas

Quotes collected by William Thomas
Source Name Takia Bunton
Takia Bunton
Identity info: Junior, 21, Social Work Major

Question 1.     This is the 25-year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, how do you think Texas State has changed since the implementation of the act? (Or how do you think Texas State is different now than it might have been before the Act?)
It's probably better with all the hills and stairs. It's hard to walk even if you aren't disable. I can't imagine how disable people get around with out ramps and door openers. Since the implementation, disables can now get around campus easier than 25 years ago. 

Question 2.    Do you ever use any of the physical accommodations required by the ADA, such as elevators, ramps or door openers? How does this affect your commute around campus?
Yes I do use them. I use the  elevators and ramps around campus. They are really convenient and it definitely makes my commute faster when I have to rush from class to class. 

Question 3. What do you think this campus or this university would be like without the ADA?
I think this Texas State would not be an ideal place for students with disabilities to attend or even people who are temporarily disabled like people who break their legs. I know Alkek is horrible. how would they get up there to study or to get to LBJ? Like I said earlier, I cannot imagine Texas State with out the ADA act. 

Question 4. Does the ADA affect you personally in any way?
It affects me personally because it makes my commute to class faster. But besides that, no. I don't have any family members who are physically disabled. 

Question 5. How do you think the university does in complying with the ADA?
I think it does a pretty good job. I feel like the faculty and the people in charge of making sure that the policies are enacted are doing well. 

Question 6.  Is There any need for changes in Texas State that would benefit people with disabilities to allow their commute to be better? 
I think the elevators in some building need to go to all the floors. For example, Derrick hall. Although it has an elevator, it does not reach the fourth floor. If someone with a physical disability had a class on the fourth floor, they would have find away to get around derrick to where the fourth floor is street level. 

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