Sunday, October 4, 2015

Diverse Source: Maura Goldfeder

Interview Conducted By: Camille Shotts
Source: Maura Goldfeder 
Identifying Information: Maura is 23 years old and works full time as a caretaker for a 15 year old with Autism, she's from The Woodlands, TX and is visiting San Marcos and the Texas State Campus.
1. This is the 25-year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, how do you think Texas State has changed since the implementation of the act?: "They added ramps and elevators for those with physical disabilities. I think as a whole the stigma of mental disabilities and illnesses has lessened as well as the student body has become more accepting."
2. Do you ever use any of the physical accommodations required by the ADA, such as elevators, ramps or door openers? How does this affect your commute around campus?: "Yes, the elevators have made it easier for everyone to get to classes on higher floors and the door openers have been beneficial as well for times when my arms are full."

3. What do you think this campus or this university would be like without the ADA?: "Probably not as easily accessible for individuals with physical disabilities."

4. Does the ADA affect you personally in any way?: "I don't have a physical disability but the ramps and elevators have made the campus easier to navigate."

5. How do you think the university does in complying with the ADA?: "I'm not versed in the specifics of the ADA, it does seem like the buildings on campus are constantly being updated so that it's easier for everyone to get around. They're always adding ramps and upgrading things, hopefully that makes it easier for people with disabilities."

6. Have you or a family member or friend ever experienced any sort of physical disability, and if so how did you find public spaces while coping with that?: "I was on crutches in middle school in a giant building with only one elevator in the whole building, it was so inconvenient that if there was no one around I would sometimes just try to hold my crutches and scoot up and down the stairs anyway. I can't imagine having to deal with stuff like that all the time." 


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