Saturday, October 3, 2015

Diverse Source Interview

Elijah Iniekpo  

Quotes collected by: Ariadna C. Hernandez
Source: Elijah Iniekpo
Identifying information about source: 
Elijah Iniekpo, Senior, age 23, from San Antonio, Texas, Student and Actor, political science major.

Question 1: This is the 25-year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, how do you think Texas State has changed since the implementation of the act? (Or how do you think Texas State is different now than it might have been before the Act?)
"Well, education is an essential tool and skill in today's society. Prior to the act it wouldn't have specialized programs to help focus on the individual needs. Texas State wouldn't have the specialized programs (ASL translator, ADD counseling, etc.)."

Question 2: Do you ever use any of the accommodations required by the ADA, such as elevators, ramps or door openers? Ho does this affect your commute around campus?
"Elevators are a frequent for me. I take them out of convenience, however if it takes a waiting then I usually take the stairs."

Question 3: What do you think this campus or this university would be like without the ADA?
"On a hill? Prior to 1990, this campus would've limited the output of teaching professionals. Today, it wouldn't have the inclusion of the creative and innovative minds that originate from all students seeking expertise in a craft or learning subject. It would limit societies expansion and create another form of inequality, violation of human rights."

Question 4: Does the ADA affect you personally in any way?
"Yes, after applying to join the military, my acute asthma has prevented me from commissioning into the military (Air Force). Since, I believe this rule has been lifted or exceptions are made now but my career goals have shifted as well."

Question 5: How do you think the university does in complying with the ADA?
"I think it thrives in its attention to detail towards ADA or morals if not its standards being on a hill and having all the stairs. With handicap seating on buses, handicap parking, and Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services (DARS) office."

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