Saturday, October 3, 2015

Diverse Source Interview by Ariadna C. Hernandez

Crystal Cohen

Quotes collected by: Ariadna C. Hernandez
Source: Crystal Cohen
Identifying information about source:
Crystal Cohen, Junior, age 21, from Killeen, Texas, Student, nutrition major

Question 1: How do you feel about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
"It provides security for people that do have disabilities. Not only are we helping out with transportation of these people but we are also making sure that they are getting treated the same, equality. I'm thankful for the ADA act because it has given opportunities to people I personally know and I think is one step closer to equality across the board because ethnicity is one thing but disability is another thing that gets pick on a lot."

Question 2: Do you ever use any of the physical accommodations required by the ADA, such as elevators, ramps or door openers?
"I actually don't . I don't use the ramps because they are not for me."

Question 3: How do you think it would be like for people to get around campus without the ADA?
"I see everyday students use the ramps I guess to make it easier because people get tired. I know for a fact people take the ramps versus the stairs. If this campus did not have ramps that would not be good. A lot of people with disabilities wouldn't be able to come here because the whole campus is stairs."

Question 4: Do you know anybody with a disability?
"Yes I do family and friends. One of my friends has cerebral palsy and its not too bad but I know that some days she can't be at school for like certain therapy sessions. For sure I know that, I don't really know what she would use on the campus that would be any different than a normal walking person but I know she walks around campus and stuff and people give her dirty looks. She told me this last week and I don't know why people discriminate people with disabilities."

Question 5: Why do you think certain people react that way towards Americans with disabilities?
"They don't know whats wrong with the person. They are unaware of what these people have to go through. The things we take for granted other people can't do as easily. People walking around with canes and stuff we don't know whats wrong with them so we shouldn't make them feel like there's something wrong with them. Don't judge."

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