Saturday, October 3, 2015

Interviewing George Johnson

Quotes collected by: Brandon Valencia
Source Name: George Johnson
George Johnson, Junior, Age 22, from Houston, Tx, Student, Electrical Engineering major, Class of 2016.

Whats your opinion of the Americans with Disabilities Act? "I feel like its an important act that allows those with disabilities to feel accepted and equal to everyone else."

Does the ADA Act affect you personally in anyway?
"No, not me but I do see people on campus daily who would be."

Do you ever use any physical accommodations required by the ADA, such as elevators, ramps or door openers? How does this affect your commute? "Yes, it makes trips around campus easier and more convenient."

What do you think campus was like before the ADA was passed?  "Campus was probably crowded and these stairs and hills were probably a lot worse. Disabled people probably felt left out and unfair due to the fact that many of the disabled accommodations probably weren't around."

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