Sunday, October 4, 2015

Diverse Source: Nicholas Lambeth

Quotes collected by: Victoria Beeler
Source: Nicholas Lambeth
Identifying information about source: Age 24, from Austin, Texas, Senior Marketing Major.
Question 1: How do you think Texas State is different now than it might have been before the Act? “I'm sure they have increased the amount of ramps, as well as allowing note-takers in class.”

Question 2: Do you ever use any of the physical accommodations required by the ADA, such as elevators, ramps or door openers? “Yeah, I use the elevators all the time. They're more efficient than using the stairs.”

Question 3: What do you think this university would be like without the ADA?
“There would be less tolerance towards those with disabilities. It would be a much less accommodating environment ”
Question 4:Does the ADA affect you personally in any way? 
“Just with the elevators, making it more efficient to class.”

Question 5: How do you think the university does in complying with the ADA?
"I think the university does a good job."

Question 6: Is there anything the university could improve upon in regards to accommodating people with disabilities?
"I mean there's always room for improvement, but I don't know of any specifics.  

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