Friday, August 28, 2015

Empire State of Mind

By: Soraya Herbert

With dreams of living in The Big Apple, 20 year old Danielle Goodman is currently a junior at Texas State, pursuing a major in Public Relations and a minor in Psychology.

When Danielle doesn't have a book in her nose you can most likely find her roaming around San Marcos attending a concert or some kind of event. Danielle is a “go with the flow” type of person, and is always up for new adventures with some friends. Once you meet Danielle you will see that she is all about new experiences. As for sporting, coming from Dallas she is definitely a part of the Dallas Cowboy fan-nation!

The Dallas native, came to Texas State straight out of high school, excited to live the college lifestyle. Danielle has plans to one day move to New York City and work for a Public Relations firm. Coming from the suburban lifestyle of Arlington, Texas she wants to live in a fast pace environment explore all that the world has to offer. After, getting her diploma and jumping in the river, Danielle will be hopping on a plane to discover some adventures over seas in the UK and Japan. This go-getter, has a lot of things planned for her future and is ready for whatever comes her way, so watch out world you have Danielle Goodman coming your way!

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