Friday, August 28, 2015

About Josh Szczeblewski

 by Jonathan Check

Josh and the spectacular skyline
of Toronto
Joshua “Josh” Szczeblewski is a junior majoring in mass communication with an emphasis in electronic media at Texas State University. He is currently in his third semester of working for KTSW, the university radio station, and hopes that this experience will set him up well to get a job as part of a freelance video production team after graduating.

At 27 years of age, Josh is older than the traditional college student due to spending six years in the Navy, based mainly in Virginia Beach. After leaving the Navy and starting college in Amarillo, Josh made the move to Texas State because many of his friends had moved to Austin and he wanted to be closer to them, plus he felt that attending Texas State got him the most bang for his buck. He is currently in his fourth semester here.

Josh isn’t picky when it comes to music and will listen to anything, but his favorite genre is indie rock and Norma Jean is his favorite band. He also likes to unwind by playing video games and has spent this past summer playing through the Uncharted series. His only pet is a mixed cat named Buffy. If he could describe his life right now in one word, he’d go with “bangin’,” which is prominently placed on a t-shirt that he likes wearing.

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