Friday, August 28, 2015


By Josh Szczeblewski

attachment.ashx.jpgJonathan  Check is a junior at Texas State University.  He majors in journalism, and aspires to one day become a sports journalist.  He was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas,  not too far from where he currently resides today.  Jonathan is currently still living on campus.  He made this decision because of the benefits it provides.  He doesn’t have to deal with the hassles of living out in town like trying to catch an overcrowded bus or hustling his way through traffic jams that you wouldn’t think would happen in such a small town.  Living on campus is fairly easy in the sense that most things in San Marcos are centered around the university.

One of the reasons why Jonathan chose to come to Texas State is because of the distance from home.  With San Marcos only being around 40 miles up the road on Interstate 35 from San Antonio, it’s close, but far enough.  Not to mention, Texas State offers great programs in their School of Journalism and Mass Communicatinos.  Also, you can’t complain about the cost of going to Texas State compared to the other schools in the area.

Jonathan’s plan for next year is to get a job with the University Star.

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