Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Campus carry causes conflicting views for Texas State students

Campus carry causes conflicting views for Texas State students

By Kara Dornes

The recently passed “campus carry” law has college campuses across Texas entering into debates whether the law will end up being for the better or for the worse.

According to, the law known as “campus carry” is formally called SB 11 and is set to go into effect August 1, 2016. This new law allows anyone that has a license to carry a concealed handgun on college campuses.

Since the law has been passed, it has caused a divide in a lot of college campuses because of the differing opinions of students and faculty.

Opinions of Individuals Supporting Campus Carry

“People should feel free to carry guns,” Carlos Ramirez, chemistry major. “But there needs to be strict regulations.”

Before someone decides to bring a firearm on campus they should be educated, and know how to properly use it so nothing bad happens said Ramirez.

Carlos Ramirez, photo taken by Kendell Brandon

“I am for it,” Garrett Wittaker, construction science and management major said. “If it were open carry it could scare younger people on campus, but concealed weapon is fine.”

In the United States it is a constitutional right for a individual to carry a firearm said Wittaker.

Garrett Whittaker, photo taken by Kendell Brandon 

Opinions of Individuals Not Supporting Campus Carry

“Sounds like a very, very dangerous idea,” Sergio Bedford, grad student at Texas State said.

According to Bedford carrying fire arms could have a greater impact when a student, for example, gets a bad grade.

“Not enough safety with guns,” said Bedford

Sergio Bedford, photo taken by Kendell Brandon

“Worst idea I have ever heard, there is no need to carry guns on campus,” Matt Weed, musician said. “It’s a place for education not violence.”

According to Weed guns should not be used on campus, they should be used for self defense.

Matt Weed, photo by Kendell Brandon

“…I respect peoples right to have guns, but I don’t feel comfortable knowing that people have them on campus just because I think that’s not conducive to the learning environment,” Allison Abernathy, English major said.

According to Abernathy the presence of guns, even if concealed, can could cause tension to the learning environment, which is essentially why we are here.

“I think it adds stress, like unnecessary stress to like, a student’s daily life,” said Abernathy

Allison Abernathy, photo taken by Kara Dornes

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