Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Students Express Conflicting Opinions for Campus Carry

Students Express Conflicting Opinions for Campus Carry
By Trevor Frank

Students and faculty at all public Texas college campuses are having to acknowledge what life on campus will be like now that the campus carry bill has been passed through Texas Legislature. 

Garret Witaker, photo by Kendell Brandon
According to the website of Governor Gregg Abbott,  SB 11 or  the "campus carry" bill  was signed into law on June 13th 2015. The new law allows anyone with a concealed handgun license to carry a concealed handgun on campuses of public institutions of higher education. 

The law has caused controversy among parents, students and faculty here at Texas State with supporters arguing it is a constitutional right that will make campuses a safer place. 

Garrett Witaker a construction and science management major says he is for the bill because it requires the gun to be concealed. " It is a constitutional right, we should be able to carry," Witaker said. 

Carlos Ramirez, Photo by Kendell Brandon
Carlos Ramirez a chemistry major from McCallen, Texas said people should feel free to carry guns however there needs to be strict regulations. "People should be educated before deciding to bring a weapon on campus. It takes one dumb person to to misuse a gun."

"We should absolutely allow open carry," said Mike Shaw, the parent of an incoming freshman. "Especially with all the recent terroristic attacks our country has been dealing with. We need the protection," Shaw said. 

Opponents of Campus Carry argue allowing guns on campus is a dangerous idea that will cause unnecessary tension. 

Allison Abernathy , Photo by Kara Jones 
" I  respect peoples right to have guns but i don't feel comfortable knowing that people have them on campus just because i think that not conductive to the learning environment." English major Kara Dornes said. "I think it adds stress, like unnecessary stress to like a students daily life." 

Mike Shaw, photo by Jessie Mace
Abdul Nono, Photo by Trevor Frank
"Worst idea i have ever heard, there is no need to carry guns on campus. It's a place for education not violence," said Matt Weed, a music major from Uvadle, Texas. 

Abdul Nono, a freshmen stuyding industrial engineering say it sill have a negative impact on campus because it will be a more dangerous place. I don't think it would be safe for students to have guns on campus. Even with the right training and education it is a bad idea. Police should be the only ones with guns and they go through much more training. "

According to the bill will become effective for four-year universities on September 1st 2016.  

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