Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Campus Carry - Is it Scary or Necessary?

Campus Carry - Is it Scary or Necessary?
By: Kendell Brandon, University Star

Texas lawmakers are awaiting a signature of Governor George Abbott, which would grant firearms to be allowed on college campuses. According to USA Today, Texas would become the 8th state to allow concealed weapons on campus.

Depending on the fate of this bill, Texas State University may be one of these institutions to allow concealed weapons on campus. But, how does the Texas State community feel about this law? 

Abdul Nono, an industrial engineering major, believes that students with guns will have a negative impact on campus.
Abdul Nono (Photo Credit: Trevor Frank)
"I do not think it would be safe for students to have guns on campus," Nono said. "Even with the right training and education it is a bad idea. Police should be the only ones with guns and they go through much more training."

A parent of a student has a different opinion on the matter. Mike Shaw believes that Texas legislature should absolutely pass campus carry laws because it would make campus a safer place.
Mike Shaw (Photo Credit: Kaelin Mace)
"With the recent terrorist attacks our country has been dealing with we need the protection," Shaw said. "Considering the unpredictability of a possible terrorist attack and the outcome if you have students who are armed could help reduce the casualties and can ultimately get rid of that threat."

Sara Pavey, an international relations major, is concerned about the possibility of guns being carried on campus and hopes that it will not disrupt day-to-day campus life.

"Part of me is a little nervous...but in reality if you're going to bring a gun to campus for harmful purposes they are probably going to it anyways," Pavey said. "Despite laws or not. Hopefully nothing changes."
Sara Pavey (Photo Credit: Yanira Durant)

Garrett Wittaker, a construction science and management major, feels that campus should allow campus carry because it is concealed.

Garrett Wittaker (Personal Photo)
"I am for it because it is concealed. If it were open carry it would scare the younger people visiting campus," Wittaker said. "But carrying a concealed weapon is fine. It is a constitutional right, we should be able to carry."

Dr. Mary Brennan, a history professor, strongly believes that guns should not be permitted on campus.

"I have seen kids with their emotions out of control, who stay up all night with red bull during finals week, high-strung and emotional and we are handing them a weapon," Brenann said. "It is not safe."
Mary Brennan (Photo Credit: Ashley Hunt)

Sergeeant Alexander Villalobos, an investigator with the University Police Department, feels that the new law will be structured in accordance for universities everywhere.
Alexander Villalobos (Photo Credit: Jeff Brown)
"Under consideration of the legislature they are going to have to have to consider the exposures of those types of situations and how people are going to react," Villalobos said. "I think that is the reason why they are giving it time to structure this particular law in a way that is going to be sensitive to campuses all over Texas."

The people of Texas State have very mixed opinions about the possibility of guns carried on campus.

Not only is Texas State not compatible in their feelings about this law, but according to  USA Today, a poll conducted at the the University of Texas at Austin had 47% with support of bill passing and 45% opposing.

Texas college students must await and see what the regulations will be if the concealed weapon law does pass.

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