Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Diverse Sources Story-Campus Carry



Texas Governor recently signed Senate Bill 11, also recognized as “campus carry”, allowing individuals with a concealed handgun permit to carry on campus. Residents of central Texas, primarily San Marcos, share their opinions.

From Left to Right: Kevin Salazai, Ruben Garcia, 
Timothy Kaikai (Monday, July 20, 2015).
Currently enrolled university students were the prime demographic to be questioned over this topic. Freshman, Kevin Salazai, Kinesiology major at Texas State was pleased the concealed handgun permit would be enforced when asked about the soon-to-be law.

“I think with the required license it will make the law suitable, if the law didn’t require a licensed weapon the law would be unruly, “ said Salazai.

Salazai’s classmate and fellow freshman, Ruben Garcia, Forensic Anthropology major, explained that college students where not mature enough in regards to permitting guns on campus.

“I feel as if college students are still too young to obtain a license for a gun, especially around so many other kids and different influences,” said Garcia.

Freshman, Timothy Kaikai, Philosophy major, expressed his disagreement when asked if all states should permit guns on college campuses.

“I think it’s a bad idea, it’s a college campus not the hood, I don’t want to die,” said Kaikai.

Sara Gregory (Wednesday, July 22, 2015).
Senior, Sara Gregory, International Relations major, was unaware of Senate Bill 11. She expressed her interest to become more educated on the issue but all in all believes campus carry won’t make her feel any safer.

“I feel like a gun permit isn’t enough to qualify someone to carry a concealed weapon. The passing of this law is a bad idea,” said Gregory.

Junior, Kayley Smith, Bio Chemistry major, favored the passing of the bill unlike majority of the students questioned. She casually explained that an individual has a right to carry on campus as long as they’re licensed.

“If they took the course to do it then why not, if they can handle it,” said Smith.

Faculty has weighed in on the topic of Senate Bill 11 as well.  History Professor, Mary Brennan, is against the decision of guns being acceptable on college campuses. She believes that students are already overwhelmed and vulnerable at times when school becomes too stressful and allowing them to posses a weapon is dangerous.
Mary Brennan (Monday, July 20, 2015).
“I have seen kids with their emotions out of control who stay up all night with Red Bull during finals week, high strung and emotional and we are handing them a weapon, “ said Brennan, “It’s not safe.”

Additional information on the soon-to-be Texas law can be found on USA Today.

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