Monday, July 20, 2015

Interview 1

Quotes collected by: Jeff Brown
Source: Alexander Villalobos
Identifying information about source: Sergeant, Investigations – University Police Department

Question 1: What is your opinion of the law going into place, which will allow those with a concealed handgun license to carry on campus?

“In the profession we swear to uphold those particular laws that are implemented, and as they are constructed, and as they are structured for enforcement. Whatever comes up September 2016, we will enforce it.”

Question 2: Do you think, right now, the concealed handgun training for civilians is extensive enough to train someone to effectively handle a live-fire type of situation?

“In comparison to law enforcement officers being trained, and the hours that they put in for training, and the hours that are required by this licensing; and then going on to the physiological effects of being in a stressful situation…at some point I would imagine under consideration of the legislature they are going to have to consider the exposure of those types of situations and how people are going to react. I think they have considered it to some extent and I think that’s the reason why they’re giving time to structure this particular law in a way that’s going to be sensitive to campuses all over Texas.”

Question 3: Do you think that this new law will deter, or work to prevent, anyone intent on harming others? In other words, do you think this law is a way to handle these types of situation, should they occur, or is it meant to discourage them from doing so in the first place?

“I would have to see any scientific research that’s been done that would give me more information to kind of respond to that question.”

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