Monday, July 20, 2015

Diverse Sources Interview

Quotes collected by: Angelique Paccione

SOURCE: Andres Davila

Identifying information about source: Andres Davila, senior, Texas State University student, Spanish major, music minor


Question 1: What is your opinion about the soon-to-be Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?

“One of my friends posted on Facebook saying she saw a student carrying 2 pistols and felt very scared. There were comments saying that she should warn police that she felt threatened, but I feel it would escalate a situation that doesn’t need to be escalated. I am definitely for concealing any type of weapon rather than openly carrying, but if I were to see something then that’s when I start planning out the thoughts in my head I don’t want to plan out.”  

Question 2: While some other states have a similar law, do you think all states should permit guns on college campuses?

“If that is something that is being contended right now, then yes, they should be concealed. I don’t really see the need for that. You hear about campus shootings all the time, and there is no permission or law allowing them to carry it. This could escalate things or get people talking.”

Question 3: Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?

“I am against guns on campus. I don’t see a need for it. If you feel so threatened in the world that you have to arm yourself, then that is more of an internal issue. You could potentially hurt or even end someone’s life.”

Question 4: Do you think allowing concealed carry will influence the education system?

“If there is a weapon in the classroom, I don’t know what would happen if a teacher could have any delegation over it. I think it would definitely affect education. It would make people scared and draw people away from pursuing an education. It’d cause a divide.”

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