Monday, July 20, 2015

Diverse Sources Interviews

Diverse Sources Interviews
by: Kendell Brandon

Source: Sergio Bedford, Grad Student, Dallas, Texas
 Q: What is your opinion on concealed weapons on campus?
 A: Sounds like a very, very dangerous idea. It takes one kid to get a bad grade on a test and then someone gets hurt of killed. Not enough safety with guns..

Source: Garrett Wittaker, construction science and management, San Antonio, TX
Q: How do you feel about concealed weapons on campus?
A: I am for it. Because its concealed. If it were open carry it could scare younger people on campus. But concealed weapon is fine. Its a constitutional right, we should be able to carry.
Source: Ariene Camejo, Student Health Center (health educator), Austin, TX
 Q: What is your opinion on concealed weapons on campus?
 A: Should definitely not be allowed. Its not going to reduce crime and decrease saftety.
Source: Carlos Ramirez, Chemistry major, McCallen, TX
Q:  What is your opinion on concealed weapons on campus?
A: People should feel free to carry guns. But there needs to be strict regulations. People should be educated before deciding to bring a weapon on campus. It takes one dumb person to misuse a gun.

Source: Matt Weed, Musician,  Uvalde, TX
Q: How do you feel about concealed weapons on campus?
A: Worst Idea i have ever heard, there is no need to carry guns on campus. Its a place for education not violence. Guns should be used for self defense. Although there have been some college tragedies, its not too common.

Asked not to put picture
Sourse: Nathanial W (asked not to use his last name), Music Studies, Belton, TX
 Q: How do you feel about concealed weapons on campus?

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