Monday, July 20, 2015

Diverse Source Interview Excercise

Quotes Collected by: Carlos A. Ibarra

Source: Tim Brugger

Identifying Information: age 46, from La Grange, Tx, daughter is an incoming freshman.

Question 1: What is your opinion on the soon-to-be law that will allow licensed concealed gun owners to carry guns on campus?

  •  "I have mixed views on it. I think it'd be a good step for gun owners, but I don't think it would stop anyone from doing what they want to do."

Question 2: Have you ever been threatened or felt vulnerable while at public institution?

  •  "No. Not me, personally. I do worry about my daughter's safety away from home, though."

Question 3: Do you have any experience with guns, or would this law incline you to acquire your own concealed weapon license?

  •  "I own a couple rifles and have a license to hunt; but I don't think I'd get a concealed weapon license."

Question 4: If you voted today, would you vote in favor or against this law, and why?

  •  "I'd vote in favor for it. I think I'd trust a gun owner with a license, more than an owner with out one."

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