Monday, July 20, 2015

Diverse Source Interview

Quotes collected by: Jonathan Olivo
Source: Sara Procter, Texas State Senior

Question 1: Have you heard about the law pertaining to concealed handguns on campus?

“I haven’t really heard much about the law”

Question 2: What is your opinion about the soon-to-be Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?

“I have mixed feelings because I don’t know who is going to be holding that gun. Do they know how to properly handle it? What’s their mental status?”

Question 3: Do you think that all states should permit guns on college campuses?

“I don’t really know, since the law hasn’t really been in place yet in Texas, so I would have to see how it worked out here and if it’s effective here, maybe it wouldn’t be bad to start implementing in other states.”

Question 4: Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?

“I don’t really know, I feel like they shouldn’t be allowed on campus because they can cause some problems, but then again if there is a situation where we needed someone with a concealed weapon for any reason it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I’m still kind of on the fence about it.”

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