Monday, July 20, 2015

Diverse Sources-Campus Carry Interview

Quotes collected by: Morgan Henkhaus
SOURCE: Christian Wallace
Identifying information about the source: Christian Wallace, Grad student, Graduated Texas State December 2010. He is from Andrews, Texas (near Midland) and works part-time in the College for Honors building.

Question 1:  What is your opinion about the soon-to-be Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
·      “ I think schools, just like private businesses should have the right to make up their own lines about this opinion and I think it should be the students who have that right to make up their minds. Personally, I am not comfortable with more guns on campus, so I would at least like the opportunity to as a student to decide. If the majority of the people are attending the school that want guns, then that’s fine if that’s the majority. But if not, then I don’t think it should be over of heads with litigation saying that its ok.”

Question2: While some other states have a similar law, do you think all states should permit guns on college campuses?
·      Like that we…no (laughs). It goes back to the same thing in each university. I think would be a better way because I have a feeling that people at Texas A&M may want, not everyone of course, just generalizing but Texas A&M probably want guns. So that’s great for them, but other don’t go to A&M and don’t have the same mentality may not want that. Nothing against A&M at all.”

Question 3: Why should or why shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?
·      “ Well just for instance, that it will cause more problems and more potential tragic situations. I think if they are there, they are more likely to be used and I think that college students are more volatile than just your average citizen. Having those things escalate and there being a gun present it will not be good. There was a guy on the square with a knife the other day and they got into it (I was just a witness) and he pulled out his knife. Like if he would have pulled out a gun, I don’t know. So its like, I know the other argument is ok well if a guy who has a concealed handgun and pulls out his gun and ends whatever the situation is, but this isn’t the Wild West. How about no one have a gun and if you want to fight then just beat the crap out of each other. Don’t shot each other. Its pretty one-second thing and its done.”

Question 4: If the law gets approved, would you go out and get a CHL?

·      Um, I personally have nothing against carrying a gun. My dad has his CHL and carries his gun, but I do not fill the need to do that personally. I will not be getting my CHL. I have a gun at the house and it is there for self protection but I don’t feel that the would is such a terrible place that I need to walk around strapped with a weapon.”

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