Monday, July 20, 2015

Diverse Sources Interview

Quotes collected by: Kara Dornes
SOURCE:  Allison Abernathy
Identifying information about source: Senior, English major

Question 1: What is your opinion about the soon-to-be Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?

"I think it adds stress, like unnecessary stress to like a student’s daily life.”

Question 2: While some other states have a similar law, do you think all states should permit guns on college campuses?
“No, I respect peoples right to have guns but I don’t feel comfortable knowing that people have them on campus just because I think that’s not conducive to the learning environment."

Question 3: Why should or why shouldn't guns be permitted on college campuses?
"It shouldn't be permitted because i think it like adds tension to the learning environment."

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