Friday, October 7, 2016

Diverse Sources: Stacee Collins

Photo provided by Keri Fitzgerald

Interview with Keri Fitzgerald

Quotes collected by: Stacee Collins
Source: Keri Fitzgerald 
Identifying information about source: Keri Fitzgerald, English senior lecturer, College of Liberal Arts, Assistant Director at the Writing Center
Question 1: How do you feel about campus carry going into effect Aug. 1? "I support the 2nd Amendment, but I'm not sure a campus with young and developing minds is the right place for people to have concealed weapons."

Question 2: What are some of your concerns surrounding the law? "I'm really concerned about the potential it has to restrict academic freedom. I have to grade people that have guns. I have to have class discussions with people who might fear that other people have guns. Academia is supposed to be a place of open-mindedness and I worry about the effect it could have on that." 

Question 3: Since the law is not going out of effect, what are ways to deal with concerns among students and professors? "I don't think it's necessarily true that it couldn't be challenged and overturned, so I'm keeping that hope alive in the idea that it could."

Question 4: Are there any places on campus where the law should be prohibited? "The brain doesn't actually finish developing until age 25, so I worry about it in places with traditional students in dorms. The part of the brain that is still developing is the part that influences making decisions. I'm not sure everyone's brain is developed to the point where they can make a good decision."

Question 5: Are you considering taking part in campus carry? "I've been a victim of assault before, and I've considered protecting myself with a firearm. I do think that's completely acceptable."

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