Friday, October 14, 2016

Campus Controversy
By: Jason Lanthier

History was made on Aug. 1st, 2016. This is the date that Texas law permits anyone who is 21 with a concealed handgun license the ability to legally carry a handgun on a public university campus.

As always, there will be questions as to whether this law is going to make campuses safer or put students in increased danger. Thus far the law has been a success, but the year is still fresh. After conducting a series of interviews, it is obvious that some students support this law, and others do not.

Photo by: Tre Simmons
Alicia Dorado, 21-year-old senior from California says, “After close evaluation of the 2nd Amendment and further observation of historical infringement, I support the Texas law that now allows campus carry for those who lawfully obtain a concealed handgun permit.”

This is an interesting viewpoint from a student who is not from Texas, a predominately pro 2nd Amendment state. Other students don’t feel the same way as Ms. Dorado.

TJ Young, a 28-year-old graduate student says, “I feel that I’m in opposition currently because I don’t feel like the infrastructure is there through the university to supplement the training needed to fit this specific environment. Kids having guns on campus is a very specific situation, and I feel the training around that needs to be tailored as such.”

Students have a feeling of uncertainty while spending time on campus. Paula Krystal Monzon, an 18-year-old freshman at Texas State explains how campus carry makes her feel while on campus, “It makes me feel really uncomfortable. I feel like it makes school shootings more likely to happen.”

Diane Lemons, a 20-year-old junior at Texas State personally supports this law and feels that she wants to participate. When asked if she wants to own a gun and a concealed carry permit she said, “Oh definitely, I wanted to over the summer I just didn’t get around to it.”

Photo by: Wensley Guthrie
Teachers at Texas State also have an opinion to voice in regards to the campus carry law. Keri Fitzgerald, a Senior English Lecturer believes it restricts academic freedoms. “I’m really concerned about the potential it has to restrict academic freedom. I have to grade people that have guns. I have to have class discussions with people who might fear that other people have guns. Academia is supposed to be a place of open-mindedness and I worry about the effect it could have on that.”
Photo provided by: Keri Fitzgerald

Another student, Natalia Glenn, a 21-year-old senior says “I think that having a gun on campus doesn’t exactly protect us. Are students who are carrying weapons properly trained? I’m not opposed to guns in general but I don’t think it’s the best idea for our campus to allow weapons.”

To learn more about Texas State’s campus carry law visit

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