Friday, September 2, 2016

Marcus Peoples

Marcus Peoples, The All-American Man was born in Corpus Christi, Texas, but would not remain here for long, for this was just the beginning of his accomplished life.
     In Marcus' young life he was heavily involved in athletics, particularly basketball. Influenced by his decorated father, who has been his mentor and guidance and has tasted the glory of playing professional basketball. This great man paved the way for who we all know as Marcus. Marcus strived and pushed his self all throughout his teenage years, staying focused even as he jumped from city to city. 
   Marcus immediately moved to Houston after he was released from the hospital after his birth. From there he moved to sunshiny Daytona, Florida. He absorbed the atmosphere and sun for a brief period of time, before he decided to up and move to San Antonio, Texas. This was where life buckled down and this great strong hearted man worked as he finished up his high school career while taking care of his grandparents in their final years.
   Marcus is currently pursuing his degree in Public Relations, training to walk on to the Texas State basketball team, as well as studying for his graduate record examination (GRE). He has the ability to juggle all of these over whelming tasks at once, while many students struggle to wake up in time for class in the morning. He goes above and beyond in his life and won’t stop until his dreams are his reality.

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