Friday, September 2, 2016

Cassandra Orakpo

Cassandra Orakpo
By Gabriela Perez

Source & Pictured: Cassandra Orakpo
Cassandra Orakpo, born in Nigeria, Africa, raised in Houston, Texas, is a transferred Public Relations major at Texas State University. Originally, Cassandra studied to be an Orthodontist but soon after decided that she enjoyed writing and had her major changed. She is looking to graduate soon and hopes to land an internship that will eventually help her join a firm.

Aside from her education, Cassandra enjoys dancing, reading, shopping and discovering new music. She also loves to sing and feels inspired by artists like Erykah Badu and Lauryn Hill. Music is a big part of Cassandra’s life, so big in fact that she sometimes wishes she could have been a college student in the 90’s when all of her favorite artists and fashion icons were alive.

People often describe Cassandra as a funny, friendly girl. This makes sense considering that she believes her spirit animal is Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers. Her actual favorite animal, however, is a lion. She describes lions as beautiful and majestic and black panthers as a close second to her favorites. It comes as little surprise that Cassandra's horoscope is actually a Leo. In general, Leo’s are said to be bossy, attention seekers. Cassandra believes this to be only partially true in her case however.

Currently Cassandra is content with living in the city she’s called home for so many years, Houston, Texas. Cassandra would like to travel more however, as she's only left the great state of Texas twice, when she first moved to the U.S. and when she visited New York City. Cassandra would also one day like to travel across the ocean and discover the beautiful place she first saw in the Lizzie McGuire movie, Rome, Italy.  

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