Sunday, October 4, 2015

Diverse Source: Hannah Hoffmann

Quotes Collected By: Hannah Hoffmann
Source: Victoria Davila
Identifying information: Age 19, Sophomore Chemistry Major, From: San Marcos, Texas

Question One: Do you ever use any of the physical accommodations required by the ADA , such as elevators, ramps, or door openers? How does this affect your commute around campus?
“All the time, especially by Evans. Whenever I press the door opener, it keeps it open for everyone.”

Question Two: Does the ADA affect you personally in any way?
“Not really, personally the ramps and elevators help me get to class quicker but that’s about it.”

Question ThreeL How do you think the University does with complying with the ADA?
“This campus is already not disability friendly, especially with wheelchairs, there are too many hills, a bunch of stairs, and some of the ramps are way too narrow for two people and sometimes wheelchairs are too wide for them.”
“I’ve seen multiple blind people navigate around the stairs, and its kind of hard for them and there aren’t too many ramps. If there are ramps they are crowded with a bunch of other students.”
“The university is accessible as it can get. I don’t know how you can change it there are so many hills. It’s complicated and there’s ways around it but it’s a lot of work. “

Question Four: What do you think this campus or university would be like without the ADA?
“I’d be more in shape. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who was in a wheel chair or blind because it’s a bunch of navigating and there’s too many hills for the wheelchairs, this whole campus is stairs, it would be really complicated.”

Question Five: How do you think Texas State is different now than it might have been before the Act?
“A lot more students, who are disabled, are willing to come here which is different then back then because of what the ADA has done.”

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