Friday, August 28, 2015

William Thomas

By Ariadna Camarillo

William Thomas is a 20-year-old junior attending Texas State University. He's a Mass communication major with an emphasis in public relations and a sociology minor. Thomas was born and raised in Austin, Texas, but currently lives in San Marcos. Before deciding to major in PR, he was a double major in advertising and dance. However, after taking a course, Intro to Ballet, he realized that was not for him. He then changed his major to what is now PR. 
He is very outgoing and social as well as caring and honest. He likes being active and playing sports; badminton being his absolute favorite. Dancing and performing spontaneous activities is what Thomas does in his free time. He was part of the fashion show for breast cancer awareness at Texas State. He also attended KIPP Austin Collegiate and last year he was an ambassador for the Texas State students who went to KIPP. The KIPP foundation is successful in helping students from educational underserved communities develop he skills and character needed to succeed in college. He helped students with financial aid, answered questions and planned events such as study groups. In the future after graduating with his PR degree, he would like to relocate to Los Angeles, California, in hopes of working with celebrities.    

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