Friday, August 28, 2015

Haaaave You Met Holly Henrichsen?

by Christopher Soliz

If you’re ever walking around Texas State, you might run into Holly Henrichsen. A 20-year-old junior from League City, Texas, studying Mass Communication - Electronic Media with a minor in Sociology, Holly is ready to break from her humble Houston-area beginnings out into the world. At first she was undecided about her major but after working with a career counselor she figured it out. Holly is getting her degree in Mass Communication because she’s interested in the spreading of information and wants to be a part of this growing field.
At Texas State, Holly is in the gymnastics club and works at the radio station KTSW in the production and web departments and as office traffic manager. After graduation, Holly hopes to get a job in television broadcasting. She would love to work for a show like “Ellen” where she can provide information to viewers without the pressure of being too serious. Holly doesn’t want to be the next Ellen though, and would rather be a producer and choose which stories to cover.

Holly loves being around friends and being active outdoors, but if she’s not doing that she watches Netflix. Holly also loves mac & cheese, her favorite color is pink, she’s a cat person with a soft spot for dogs, and although she cycles through favorite drinks, she thinks Coke is the best. You better say hi to her while you still can if you see her in the Quad before she’s off being TV’s next top producer.

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