Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Texas State Students Discuss Campus Carry Law

Texas State Students Discuss Campus Carry Law

By Jonathan Olivo

The law that gives the right to carry a concealed weapon on college campuses will become effective in 2016. Texas State students and parents give their opinion on the SB 11 bill.

Many college students are concerned with the upcoming law that will allow students and faculty to carry a concealed weapon on campus. Most students don’t seem to like the new law because they don’t want to worry about people having guns when they’re trying to learn.

Christian Wallace
(Photo by Morgan Henkhaus)
Allison Abernathy, a Texas State senior, said, "I think it adds stress, like unnecessary stress to like a student’s daily life. I respect people’s right to have guns but I don’t feel comfortable knowing that people have them on campus just because I think that’s not conducive to the learning environment."

She is not the only student that feels this way.

Amy Peña, a Texas State sociology major, said, "It makes me really uncomfortable, mostly because you just never know how people will react to certain things and if they're having a bad day its just so easy for them to pull out their gun and scare someone."

Students don’t want to feel like they have to worry about their peers and would rather focus on their lectures.

21-year-old Matthew Hamill said, “I want students in my class to focus on showing up on time and trying to learn and get their diploma and get out of here instead about worrying about their protection- which, at TXST is totally unnecessary, I mean, we have our own police department”

There are students that are still undecided about the soon-to-be-law.

Sara Procter said, “I don’t really know, I feel like they shouldn’t be allowed on campus because they can cause some problems, but then again if there is a situation where we needed someone with a concealed weapon for any reason it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I’m still kind of on the fence about it.”

Some students have a different solution.

Mike Shaw
(Photo by Jessie Mace)
Texas State student, Christian Wallace, said, “ I think schools, just like private businesses should have the right to make up their own lines about this opinion and I think it should be the students who have that right to make up their minds. Personally, I am not comfortable with more guns on campus, so I would at least like the opportunity to as a student to decide. If the majority of the people are attending the school that want guns, then that’s fine if that’s the majority. But if not, then I don’t think it should be over our heads with litigation saying that its ok.”

However, there are parents that feel strongly about the soon-to-be law because it’s there to protect students and can help prevent attacks.

Mike Shaw, a father with an incoming Texas State student, said, “If people know that campus's do not allow open carry they might be more likely to target an area where they know people don't have any protection, especially if they do not see anyone in uniform." 

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