Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Campus Carry Coming Next Fall?

Campus Carry Coming Next Fall

By: Katherine Olesen

Campus carry is set to go into effect in Texas next fall.

The new bill allows concealed handguns on campus by those who are 21 years or older and have a handgun license beginning August 1, 2016.

Students, parents and faculty were asked what they thought of the “campus carry” bill and their feelings on how it might affect Texas State University. The responses were more diverse than ever.

Christian Wallace 
Grad student, Christian Wallace, was asked what is your opinion about the soon-to-be Texas law. Wallace said, “I think schools, just like private businesses should have the right to make up their own lines about this opinion and I think it should be the students who have that right to make up their minds.”

Student, Matt Weed, disagreed with Wallace’s view. “Worst idea I have ever heard, there is no need to carry guns on campus. It’s a place for education not violence,” said Weed.

Freshman Abdul Nonom, also agrees with Weed. “Even with the right training and education it is a bad idea,” said Nonom. “I don’t think it would be safe for students to have guns on campus.”

Though some students believe the new bill is a “bad idea” one parent believes that guns on campus will make it a safer environment.

“The amount of students on a campus outnumber the cops,” said Mike Shaw, parent of an incoming freshman. “We should absolutely allow open carry. Especially with all the recent terroristic attacks our country has been dealing with. We need the protection.”
Janet Vela 

With the bill going into effect right around the corner and protection being the main concern, senior, Amy Peña was asked if the law would make her go out and get her own concealed handgun license. 

Peña said, “Yeah, because it's like since everyone else will have one I might as well get one for my own protection." 

Biochemist major, Janet Vela, expresses that if students and faulty follow the law we should be fine. If people go through the process to get their CHL then everything should fine. 

“We are all adults here and should be able to make our own choices,” said Vela.

For additional information about the soon-to-be Texas law visit

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