Monday, July 20, 2015

Cunningham-Diverse Sources Interview

Diverse Source Interview Exercise

Quotes collected by: Kaci Cunningham

Source 1: Kayley Smith, Junior, Bio Chemistry Major, from Victoria, Texas. (Kayley did not want her photo taken during the interview.)

Question 1: What is your opinion about the soon-to-be Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?

Quote: “If they took the course to do it then why not if they can handle it.”

Question 2: Why should or shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?

Quote: “The only reason why they should be is because police officers always freak out about the gun on campus and then they can’t do the whole thing they did last year with that guy and his gun in his backpack.”

Source 2: Timothy Kaikai, freshman, Philosophy Major.

Question 1: While some states have a similar law, do you think all states should permit guns on college campuses?

Quote: “I think it’s a bad idea, it’s a college campus not the hood, I don’t want die.”

Question 2: If given the choice would you personally want to get a handgun permit to carry a gun on campus?

Quote 2: “I wouldn’t want to own a handgun on campus because I don’t think it should be necessary for me to need one on campus. A campus is somewhere a student should be safe, and if multiple students on campus are carrying guns, I wouldn’t feel safe.”

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