Thursday, February 26, 2015

diverse sources

 Name: Amy Bender


From: Austin, Texas 

Classification: junior 







Q)Texas State has had record enrollment of 35,568 students last year, and is expected to grow larger, how has this affected you.

                 A)“the bus system is lagging behind, also we need more staff and faculty to accommodate the influx of student"

Q)Do you think Texas State should continue to grow

                A)“yes of course, for athletic and academic national recognition

Q)Do you think higher enrollment is a positive or negative

                A)“positive, more students will equal more diversity and national attention, and in term more students"

Q)How do you feel the rise in diversity impacts the student body and campus

                 A)“this is a strength, and adds diversity for students, faculty, staff and the organizations that will come with a students of different back grounds and foster more understanding of different cultures"

Q)Did the size of the university influence you to attend Texas State?

                A)“no, the campus itself drew me in, with the river and overall beauty of the campus itself

Q)How do you feel our growth is seen

                 A)“ our growth is a positive reflection on all aspects of campus life,

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