Thursday, December 8, 2016

Last Story - Pros and Cons of Owning a Dog

By Jason Lanthier

Puppies and dogs, we all adore them. They can be a person’s workout partner, lazy Sunday evening couch partner and our best friend, but sometimes these furry friends of ours can take a whole lot of work to have around.
Wensley Guthrie

If you’re in the market for a dog and don’t know which to chose, you’re in luck. There are close to 340 different breeds of dogs on this planet for you to choose from. Before you go out looking for a dog you might want to do some research first. Some research questions to ask are, smartest breeds, breeds least likely to shed, how big certain breeds get and average behavior of a certain breed. Research is the number one thing a dog buyer can do prior to making the purchase.

There is a great deal of people with many different thoughts on purchasing and owning a dog.

Kurt Lanthier
 “Hope has really helped ground me and give me more of a set routine. I feel like having the extra responsibility has really matured me,” says Wensley Guthrie, a 21-year-old student at Texas State University. It is interesting to see this kind of viewpoint from a young adult who is still juggling multiple activities a day while still caring for a dog.

Along with almost anything else in the world, dogs have their cons.

 “Having a dog can limit your freedom and your ability to come and go as you please. Don’t get me wrong, I love having a dog around the house, but sometimes she knows how to really push my buttons,” Says Kurt Lanthier, a long time dog owner and father of three.

Tyler Ware
“My favorite part about owning a puppy is how great of a companion it is. I love having Palmer around me at all times while at home. One downfall to owning a dog is the expense that comes with it. The food, vet care and accessories can all add up. The goods definitely outweigh the bad,” says Tyler Ware, a 20-year-old Texas State student.

Owning a dog will ensure its ups and downs, but nonetheless a dog will be a great friend that will always be around.

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