Friday, October 14, 2016

Confidence or Concern? 

An article on Campus Carry 

By Dionna Womack

 SAN MARCOS, TEXAS- A public Texas University has implemented a campus carry policy onto a populace that has very mixed views on the subject matter.

Texas legislation signed a bill (SB 11) on June 1, 2015 that permits individuals to carry a concealed handgun on public university grounds. On August 1, 2016 Texas State University put that bill into action. As long as the individual has a concealed handgun license and is over the age of 21 he or she is legally able to carry a gun on campus.

 For some students, this new Texas legislation is a cause of concern. For others, they are more worried about the clowns roaming on campus than concealed handguns.

 Mario Flores is one of the students more concerned about the latter. Flores supports the decision but when asked about his opinion on whether or not concealed handguns should be permitted on campus Flores had this to say.

“It’s good in theory but not smart. Fact of the matter is most people in college are under a lot more stress than the average person.”

Texas State Graduate student, TJ Young, opposes the bill be cause he worries more so about the mental stability of Texas State Students and how it may affect their ability to handle a firearm.

“I feel like with the huge onset of mental health issues on campus, having a weapon in the hands of those who might not know when they need to seek help, or find an outlet, and having a weapon in their hands could be extremely dangerous.”

Alicia Dorado, Texas State Senior, is supportive of the new bill but has some points of concern. Dorado said she has some,” reservations about the fear that it may inflict upon students who do not feel safe learning in an environment where such things are permissible.” Alicia adds that there should be “safe zones” on campus such as residence halls, the counseling center and Alkek Library.

Texas State hears the concerns of their students and has posted resources on their site including a list of campus "Safe Zones" as well as an entire page dedicated to Campus Carry.

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