Friday, October 7, 2016

Dana Rosenquist- Diverse Sources

Quotes collected by: Dana Rosenquist
Source: Mason Gann
Identifying information about source: Mason Gann, Junior, Age 24, from Burleson, Texas, Student, Business major, Works full-time at Mozies Restaurant

Question 1: What is your opinion about the Texas law that allows guns to be carried onto a college campus by anyone with a concealed handgun permit?
“I think it is a bad idea because the requirements to get a concealed handgun aren’t as strict as they probably should be so unqualified people could get their hands on a concealed handgun license and be able to carry on campus and make rash decisions with a deadly weapon.”

Question 2: What if anything concerns you about the new law?
“18 is too young. That’s a freshman in college having the ability to carry a gun around.”

Question 3: What do you think are some pros to being able to carry a handgun on campus?
“Protection when you are out late at night and there is no security around. It’s immediate protection.”

Question 3: Why should or shouldn’t guns be permitted on college campuses?
“I think you would see more stories of wrongful use of the firearm than you would see stories of self-defense”

Question 4: Do you own a gun? Have a handgun carry permit?

Question 5: Do you think this law is actively being used by many on campus?
“I mean if it’s a new law, it really hasn’t been a law that long so maybe people don’t know about it.”

Question 7: Would you ever want consider owning a gun or getting a carry permit and why?
“Yes. For protection. If I felt like the threat to society were great enough.”

Question 8: Do you think that is something we are approaching with everything that is happening in society?

Question 9: At that point, would you take your gun on campus?
“No. Too many people around. Too many opportunities for, for it to go bad. It would give me anxiety.”

Question 10: Do you feel it changes the dynamic of school, or alters the mood of a room if someone knows the person next to them could potentially have a gun?
“Well yeah, it definitely changes the mood. It might distract them from the lessons in the classroom. “

Question 11: Do you think that is something people think about?
“If it’s an immediate topic of discussion but I don’t think you walk into a classroom and think who has a gun.”

Question 12: Do you think realistically someone between the age of generally 18-25 could actually help a situation where there is an issue with someone coming into a building with a gun in a violent way?

“No. They are saying by giving you the ability to carry on campus that if anything bad happens you have the ability to take care of it and its kinda giving you the permission to handle a like a gunman situation when you are not properly trained to. Even if you have a handgun license and a carry license that doesn’t mean you are trained to handle a killer. “

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