Friday, October 14, 2016

Campus Carry Story - Joe'l Godina

Campus Carry Concerning Texas State Students
By Joe'l Godina

SAN MARCOS, TEXAS- Since the beginning of the fall semester of 2016, Texas State University students are concerned about the new campus carry law that has been implemented.

In June, 2015 Texas Legislature and Governor Greg Abbott passed the law that allowed guns to be carried on all university campuses in Texas, known as the Campus Carry Law. Since then there has been an ongoing debate whether if the law should be allowed or not.

Texas law states that in order to have received a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) a person must be a resident of Texas for at least 6 months, at least 21-years of age, felony free, and go through the CHL course to receive their license.

With recent school shootings nationwide, Texas State students are aware of the new law that was put in place and many had the same opinions and concerns.

Dionna Womack. Photo and quotes
courtesy of Kristen Flowers 
 "I'm definitely concerned" Said Texas State student Dionna Womack "I personally don't think [the Government] do an extensive background check."

Womack a 19-year-old a Electronic Media Major from Corpus Christi is one of many students with the opinion that a gun and gun license is too easy to aquire.

"They're treating it like you can go get one like a regulary grocery," Womack continues "They're making it seem very accessible."

Paula Monzon. Photo and quotes courtesy
of Bailey Green
Many students are now on edge even more about possibly school shootings due to the new law.

"It makes me feel really uncomfortable," said another Texas State student Paula Monzon "I feel like it makes school shootings more likely to happen. "

"It's crazy to think that there are people walking around with them and they are able to use them if need be." Continues Monzon " Anything minor such as controversy in the quad can escalate quickly."

Monzon, a 18-year-old nursing major, has heavy concerns about how Texas State will help protect students around campus if there was to be a shooting.

Another Texas State student Mason Gann is a business major and a full time employee at Mozies Restarurant. 

"I think its a bad idea because the requirements to get a concealed handgun aren't as strict as they probably should be," said Gann "so unqualified people could get their hangs on a concealed handgun license and be able to carry on campus and make rash decisions with a deadly weapon"

Mason Gann. Photo and quotes
courtesy of Dana Rosenquist
To contact and review gun laws conerning Texas State please visit

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