Sunday, October 11, 2015

Diverse Sources Story

Texas State recognizes 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

 By Estela Perez 

The Americans with Disabilities Act came into effect 25 years ago and Texas State is giving recognition to the act that offers its students assistance in their day-to-day lives.

One of the very first things people notice about the Texas State campus is the seemingly endless steps between each building. The alternatives that students take to make their daily trek to class involve elevators, ramps and door openers. These gadgets are required by the ADA to make locations accessible to those with physical disabilities.

Kerry Fellers, a senior construction science major at Texas State, is one that finds these alternatives helpful on his way to class.

“I do, yes, use the ramps and elevators when it’s convenient for me mostly,” Fellers said. “Honestly, it’s pretty awesome that I can just walk up a ramp when my legs are tired of using stairs.”
(Photograph of Kerry Fellers
Photo by Brenna O’Donnell)

When students such as Emily Parma were asked to imagine how the student population must have changed since the ADA took place, a different image from one we’re familiar with appears in their mind.

“I feel like Texas State has a very large student population with disabilities,” Parma said. “I feel like before since the campus is so big and so hilly, maybe it would have been hard for people, say in wheelchairs or something, that could have been a challenge.”
(Photograph of Emily Parma
Photographed by Holly Henrichsen)

Unfortunately there are still struggles involving with enforcing the act as lawsuits have popped up in several areas of Texas. According to Lawsuits, 32 lawsuits across Texas this past summer had claimed businesses failed to provide reasonable accommodations to those with disabilities. Those whom were in need of these accommodations had felt disrespected and would like the businesses to be held to the required standard.

However Texas State’s students such as Sergio recognize the importance of keeping compliance with the ADA.

“If feel that Texas State, would do what is necessary to keep balance in the student community and make sure that students with disabilities can achieve the best educational experience as possible.” Sergio said.
(Photograph of Sergio
Photographed by Soraya Herbert)

ADA at 25: Making Life Accessible Is one of many that explains why the ADA had helped for equality among, not only the students of Texas State, but for every person across the country.

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