Sunday, October 11, 2015

25 Years of ADA

By: Brandon Valencia
The Americans with Disabilities Act reaches its 25 year mark on the country, Texas State University continues to show support naming October "Disability History and Awareness month".
The ADA protects and prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities, Texas State is working along side the ADA in order to bring awareness to its institution. The act has brought many services that have better assisted those with disabilities around the Texas State campus. The University is reaching out to its student body by hosting interactive events for the month of October. "Dinner in the Dark", which is set for Oct. 29th will be held in the LBJ Ballroom. The event focuses on visual disabilities, and gives students a feel for the disadvantages one faces when having a visual disability.

Though the University does do a good job of putting together these events, many of its students feel the institution could could do more in order to further assist those with disabilities. The huge campus stretches across vast hills which make a walk across campus a huge obstacle."I do think the campus is not completely ADA friendly, in the sense that the ramps are way off route from a typical walk across campus." said Desirae Sack, a Junior at Texas State University. The campus tries to constantly make renovations in order to better assist those in need. Unfortunately the ramps are only found in certain areas which can affect ones commute.

The hilly landscape calls for constant updates on the institution in hopes to make the commute across campus easier. Some students even feel the campus needs one big access ramp. "I think the University could add more ramps around campus. Maybe even a long straight passageway that covers most of the campus." said Quentin Christian, a Senior at Texas State University. Texas State is ADA friendly, but its layout and location make it difficult to get around campus.

The University is composed of many stair cases and level changes. It lies on a hill and it's a tough walk across campus for just about anyone. "This campus is already not disability friendly, especially with wheelchairs, there are too many hills, a bunch of stairs, and some of the ramps are way too narrow for two people, and sometimes wheelchairs are too wide for them." Texas State Sophomore, Victoria Davila said. The University seems to be spreading awareness throughout campus, and while events can help educate; ideas like these can really be something the University could take into consideration.
 It's important the University continues to make accommodations on campus and make sure all ADA services are properly running. Having technical problems with services can be a huge issue. "I think they have to update them (disability services), there was this one time, where one guy I knew from class last semester said a handicap button didn’t work." said Celsy Delacruz, a junior attending Texas State.

Its a priority for the University to be fully involved in making sure the ADA services are all up to date. Texas State has done a good job in raising awareness and accommodating those with disabilities when necessary. Preventing situations like the one above is something the university can eliminate. The campus is currently under construction in many areas. Those areas will have ramps that will be serviceable to those that are in need. The ADA reaches 25 years of taking a stand for those with disabilities. Texas State continues to push its efforts to bring awareness to its students and show its support of the American with Disabilities Act.

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