Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Concealed carry on public campus -- Ashley Hunt

Campus concealed carry: Guns now to be allowed in schools across state. 

By:Ashley Hunt

Open carry-laws in Texas (SB 11) are changing on Aug. 1, 2016, those who have a concealed handgun license will be able to carry their weapon onto public college campuses across the state.

Mary Brenna, Ph.D.
(Photo from Texas State Website)
There are mixed opinions on this law and while there is tremendous support for the law, there are those who are opposed. Mary Brennan, Ph.D., a history professor, expressed her disagreement and pointed out the issue of safety.

“I have seen kids with their emotions out of control who stay up all night with red bull during finals week. They are high strung and emotional and we are handing them a weapon,” said Brennan, “It is not safe.”

Chelsea Almazan
While faculty are concerned, there is also worry in the student population. However, the worry is focused in a different direction. Some students worry about random attacks, like Chelsea Almazan, 22, graphic design student.

“I would feel concerned that anyone having a concealed hand gun could cause issues such as school shootings,” said Almazan, “Yes, we are lucky to have background checks when getting your CHL beforehand, but sometimes guns still fall into the wrong hands.”

Other students had issues with personal safety, such as, Chelsea Cantu, 23, psychology and social work major.

“In some way I would feel safer, in others not safe,” Cantu said, “If I had my concealed license, I would carry my own gun.”

There are others like Blake Edwards, 27, master’s student of applied ethics and philosophy, who see things from a different perspective.

“The crime that people point to on college campuses isn't happening in classrooms or the library (for the most part), it’s happening in dorms where there are a lot of drugs and alcohol,” Edwards said, “College campuses are notorious for binge drinking, so I'm against adding guns to that situation.”

Concern for safety played a large role in all comments collected. There were high levels of worry and comments about giving the freedom of choice to the students who felt they needed to protect themselves. Andrew Hill, 26, business management major, did not show a direct opposition to the idea, but supported that students should have the right to choose.

“I believe that those individuals, for whatever reasons, that feel they need such protection should be allowed to protect themselves should the need arise,” Hill said, “I do not honestly care if people are able to carry their guns on campus.”

The training to obtain your CHL is rigorous and CHL carriers are educated fully on their weapon and how to use it responsibly. Even though this process is extensive, there are still risks. Susan S. Pante, 29, college graduate and accountant, supported the idea.

“As long as they have a CHL license, I think it would be okay because they would have at least gone thru the safety class, in this case I have no problem with it,” said Pante. “Only those with the proper certifications should be allowed to carry, not any random individual for the sake of safety.”

Additional Readings:

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